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La Secretaría de Estado para Asuntos Económicos de Suiza (SECO) en Colombia, abre convocatoria para profesional Máster Universitarios en Ciencias Económicas, Estudios Ambientales o equivalente.

National Program Officer. Colombia

La Secretaría de Estado para Asuntos Económicos de Suiza (SECO) en Colombia, comunica la apertura del proceso de selección para ocupar el cargo de National Program Officer, cuyos requisitos y características se encuentran en los Términos de Referencia.

Las personas interesadas y que cumplan con los requisitos exigidos pueden enviar su hoja de vida y carta de motivación  al correo a más tardar el 26 de mayo del 2014. 

Favor indicar claramente en el asunto CONVOCATORIA National Program Officer.

Es importante mencionar que no se considerarán aquellas aplicaciones recibidas en fecha posterior y solo se contactarán las personas seleccionadas para entrevista.

Fecha de publicación: 20 de mayo de 2014
Fecha de cierre: 26 de mayo de 2014


SECO – Embassy of Switzerland in Colombia 

The Economic Cooperation and Development Division at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO) is responsible for the planning and implementation of economic and trade policy measures with developing countries, focusing on 8 “priority countries” among lower-middle income countries. SECO is also responsible for coordinating Switzerland’s relations with the World Bank Group, the regional development banks and the economic organizations of the United Nations. 

SECO has two main objectives: to support the integration of partner countries into the global economy, and to promote their sustainable economic growth, thus contributing to poverty reduction. In order to do this, SECO intervenes principally to: 

- promote stable macoeconomic framework conditions 
- strengthen private sector competitiveness and support trade diversification 
- mobilize domestic and foreign investments 
- improve the basic infrastructure. 

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the new four-year country program in Colombia approved in 2013, SECO continues to work with a country office within the Embassy of Switzerland in Bogotá. This country office is in charge of identifying and preparing specific projects, supervising the implementation of existing projects in close coordination with SECO’s 

Headquarters in Bern, and liaising with local authorities, partners and stakeholders. With a view to strengthen the supervision and monitoring of its expanding portfolio, SECO is looking to complement its local team with a National Program Officer starting in the course of June 2014. 

Job Description and Objectives: 
The objective of the position is to support and backstop the Colombia country program of SECO’s Economic Development Cooperation, mainly in the field of sustainable urban development, energy efficiency and climate change projects implemented bilaterally or through other agencies. Other fields of work may include international competitiveness issues as well as corporate governance. 

The National Program Officer (NPO) will integrate a team of 3 persons, and be in charge of identifying, preparing and monitoring specific technical assistance/capacity building projects and programs financed by SECO in Colombia, under the supervision of the local Head of economic cooperation program in Colombia. The NPO will also be in charge of following up specific sector developments, including regulatory reforms that may affect the implementation of SECO programs and projects. He/she will keep regular contacts with key stakeholders, including government officials, multilateral and bilateral donors and local institutions/NGOs. The NPO will also contribute to a result-based approach in project planning, monitoring and evaluation, identify key lessons learned in relation to the preparation and implementation of SECO projects/ programs and report on these. 

The NPO will be reporting to the Head of economic cooperation program in Colombia. In addition, he/she will liaise and work with SECO headquarters in Bern.  

- University Masters’ Degree in Economics, Environmental Studies or equivalent. 
- Minimum 3 years of professional experience in monitoring development cooperation projects on behalf of an international or bilateral development agency (or equivalent), preferably in sustainable urban development and/or climate change related projects, 
- Good knowledge of development cooperation issues and local stakeholders in Colombia. 
- Proven experience in project cycle management including result-based monitoring(logframe). 
- Interest in other fields of cooperation (in particular: trade promotion, private sector development). 
- Capacity to work independently and to interact with different partners (incl. donor representatives, Central and local governments, private sector). 
- Very good analytical and computer skills and good writing skills. 
- Bilingual Spanish and English. Working knowledge of French or German would be an advantage. 
- Availability to start in the new position by mid-June, 2014. 

Contractual Basis: 
Local employment contract according to Colombian Law (indeterminate term). 
Salary range: COP $5.000.000 to $5.800.000, based on experience. 

Application requirements: 
 Detailed motivation letter (in English) 
 Complete Resumé (curriculum vitae), including two professional references. Copies of Master degree diploma (or equivalent) will be requested at a later stage. 

Please send your application documents until May 26
th, 2014 COB to the following email   address: 

Please note that NO application received after May 26, 2014, shall be considered in the selection process. Also note that only those short-listed candidates will be contacted directly. 

For additional information related to SECO’s activities in Colombia, please check the following website: under “Cooperación al desarrollo” and 

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