Minimum Essential qualifications
Completion of Secondary education courses/ training/ certificate in Business Administration,
Social Science, International Law or related field
Minimum 4 years of previous job experience relevant to the function
Computer skills (in MS office)
Fluency in English and working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language
Desirable qualifications and competences
Completion of specific training relevant to functions of the position.
Knowledge of UNHCR financial rules, procedures and processes. Knowledge of another relevant UN language.
Knowledge of UNHCR specific programmes (MSRP, Focus, etc.)
Computer skills (in MS office)
Accountability (key results that will be achieved):
UNHCR country office has sufficient administrative assistance and support in routine services
and activities within Programme Section thus better able to meet the needs of persons of
concern. IP agreements are established in a timely manner, regularly monitored and reported on in compliance with established guidelines and procedures
Responsibility (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)
Collects, registers and maintains information on project activities.
Prepare status and progress reports, prepare tables and draft routine correspondence.
Prepare background material for use in discussions and briefing sessions.
Undertake proper collection, monitoring and use of baselines, standards and indicators needed to measure and analyse programme performance, trends and target interventions.
Review the implementation and performance of IPs agreements through appropriate physical monitoring to evaluate the projects by reviewing work plans, progress reports, budget, financial reports and expenditures. This may include field visits for specific monitoring and evaluation issues.
Authority (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)
Provide inputs for the country operations plan (including budgets, staffing levels and structures) as well as prepare inputs for funding submissions, appeals and reports.
Access the relevant information and programme records, Focus/ MSRP data.
Represent UNHCR in physical monitoring of projects.
How to apply
Applications must be sent to the email:, including in the subject the applicant name, and the vacancy number and name.
Each application must include motivation letter and the attached P11 format (United Nations
Personal History). Please, do not use other P11 format.
If the space in the attached P11 format is not enough to include your employment record, please use the attached Employment Record Supplementary Sheet.
Deadline for applications: 24 April 2014, 17:30 hours
Applications from women and men are equally considered
Notifications will be sent to short listed candidates only
UNHCR is a smoke free environment
Duty Station: Bogotá
Position Title: Senior Programme Assistant
Level: G5
Type of contract: Fixed Term Appointment
Effective date: 01 Mayo 2014
1. Cada aplicación deberá incluir carta de interés, así como el formato de hoja de vida de Naciones Unidas (P11) adjunto; si el espacio para registrar la experiencia laboral no es suficiente, se pueden utilizar cuantas hojas suplementarias sean necesarias (formato "P11 sup" también adjunto). La información de contacto (teléfonos, ciudad y correo electrónico) de los supervisores en cada trabajo debe ser incluida obligatoriamente en el formato P11.
2. Las aplicaciones deben mencionar en el asunto del correo electrónico el nombre de la vacante.
3. Serán contactadas únicamente las personas seleccionadas para entrevista.
Se recibirán aplicaciones hasta las 17:30 horas del jueves 24 de abril de 2014, en el correo electrónico: los Términos de Referencia para la vacante en mención: